About October Rose

Started in 2021 October Rose Fiber Arts was created to help people wrap their world in love. I have always thought that a handmade item contains love and kindness. Once made out of necessity, now made from our hearts.

Shortly after getting ready to launch the business I became pregnant with our third child. This meant the business was put on hold until I could get a good nights sleep again. Luckily that time has come and I am ready to launch the business and help people create their handmade masterpieces.

About Me

My name is Fiona and I have been crafting for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting around mum while she was at the sewing machine, collecting all the scraps and preparing them for imagined projects. While mum was pressing I would jump on the machine and sew my creations together. Jump forward to today and I am the mum that is sewing at the machine with munchkins at my feet waiting for a turn.

I learnt to crochet and knit before I hit double digits and have never stopped. Even over the year where I have been studying and working and life seemed to chaotic to fit in anything else, I always had a project close by.

My favourite crafts these days are quilting, crocheting and knitting but I dabble in everything else and will always have a go. I have always loved embroidery and plan on doing more in the future, but first of all I want to pour my love into this little business to help people create the items they adore.