Welcome to October Rose Fiber Art

Well it is finally here! The time where I take that big step and start sharing the skills I have honed over the past few decades. I better introduce myself first.

Hi, I’m Fiona and I am a multi-crafter! Wow that felt good to say out loud. I know to my close friends and family this comes as no surprise as they have often complained about my craft nest being over run with half finished projects and random fabrics and yarn that I have pulled out to think over before deciding on a project. What is a craft nest, I hear you all ask. Well, I have often referred to my space that I carve out in the living room to spend my spare time as my craft nest. It is that comfy chair with a pile of WIPs (Works In Progress) next to it. They of course are all carefully placed so that the next time you sit you can quickly pick up and start from where you left off to make sure you get optimum craft time in those precious few moments of peace.

One of my current WIPs in my nest. A baby blanket for a dear friend to wrap her bundle of joy in. More on this in future blog posts.

I have crafted for as long as I can remember. Gathering scraps from mums projects and thinking up my own creations. Picking up fabric and yarn from anywhere I can to try new things and practice my skills. I learnt all these skills from the fabulous women in my life. My mum and grandmothers who were all excellent at their preferred craft of choice. Both my grandmothers were amazing knitters. My maternal grandmother making us jumpers every year. My favourite was a pink jumper with a cats face worked into it. I remember wearing it EVERYWHERE. My paternal grandmother made the softest baby clothes. My mother was the crocheter of the family. She has always made the most beautiful crocheted projects. She also sewed, and sewed, and sewed. We always had the most beautiful handmade dresses that she had made for us. When she started quilting I absorbed everything in. In my early teens I was piecing together my own simple projects and I have never looked back.

The past decade of my life I have accepted that my crafting is a part of me and I feel a little lost if I don’t do it. I have surrounded myself with wonderful inspiring people who are fiber artists themselves. I have learnt more about quilting, crochet and knitting than I thought possible and I have loved the journey.

October Rose is the next step of my journey. I am at the stage of my life where I want to share my art and all it entails. This small business of mine will have the fabrics, yarns and notions that can help you make beautiful projects and some of my own handmade creations for sale. Hopefully I can inspire some joy and love with my blog and build this space into a community that values the handmade and all that entails.

Handmade crochet motif.


Let’s talk machine quilting